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Recent Acer giveaways


Acer of hearts

We’re proud to have partnered with Acer in supporting schools to deliver cutting-edge learning equipment to deserving students. Here’s a word from them about their recent giveaways within the TWGB school community.


Acer X Tauranga Intermediate

“We worked with Mike Rawnsley from The Warehouse Group to give away an Acer Chromebook to a student who was affected by the Cyclone earlier this year. The aim was to provide some financial relief to a family who needed to purchase a Chromebook at a difficult time.”

Acer X Rangitoto College

“We partnered with James Hackett from The Warehouse Group Business to sponsor two Acer Chromebook giveaways for their Year 9 Open Day. This initiative not only showed the school community how committed we are to Education, but also put some cutting-edge technology into the hands of students. It’s just one of the ways we’re empowering young minds to achieve educational excellence.”



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