Noel Leeming Commercial

the bell

Supporting you and your school to create enriching learning experiences that allow students to thrive.

To chat, get in touch with your local account manager.

Meet the team


Introducing the people who make it happen

Welcome to part two of our “Meet the Team” series. We put the spotlight on two more of our amazing people, finding out what makes them tick and what excites them about the challenges they solve for you.


Matt Herron, Education Team Lead

What area do you support?
I’m the Education Sector Chapter Lead and work closely with Education Account Managers who look after the needs of schools and tertiary institutes daily. I support them to develop their skill set across our breadth of products, so they can deliver solutions that will help their clients to thrive.

What partnership or project are you most proud of?
It’s hard to pick just one! We have many great partnerships and for us, it’s all about collaborating to find a solution or fix an issue that takes pressure off a customer. We support many Principals Associations, local charities, nonprofits and schools and try to treat everyone with the same care and respect.

What was your favourite thing about school growing up?
It’s funny, I have my little girl starting school at the moment and when I ask her about school, her reply is always about friends and teachers. I can relate to that. I remember my teachers’ names, the connections I made, the support I found outside of my home. I was not the kind of person who got the most from learning off a blackboard or whiteboard; it was an activity, or tactile learning I enjoyed most. In high school, woodwork and photography were my favourite subjects.

What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
I have a photography degree and travelled the world using this skill set, but in the end, I found working with a team who’s focused on supporting students more rewarding. Schools are the heart of every community, and being able to support them to do their job better gives me an amazing sense of pride.

Trudi Gale, Schooltex Account Manager

What area do you support?
I am one of 3 Schooltex uniform Account Managers for the Warehouse Group Business. This means I focus on providing knowledgeable support and recommendations to our school communities across New Zealand. It’s up to me to make sure the uniforms are fit for purpose, affordable and sustainable.

What partnership or project are you most proud of?
I’m really proud of the strong partnerships we have built with NZ families. We might not have met them all, but providing tailored affordable uniforms gives every child a sense of pride and inclusion on the first day of school. That matters a lot to me.

What was your favourite thing about school growing up?
Can I say the lunch break…? Jokes aside, I loved playing sports and being curious. School taught me so many new skills, both social and academic.

What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
I love visiting our many diverse schools and getting to know the dedicated staff who look after our children. It’s always rewarding to see the students wearing our Schooltex uniforms. We believe that if students look and feel great, they will learn better too.


To find an Account Manager who can help you with your school’s unique needs, contact us today.


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