Noel Leeming Commercial

the bell

Supporting you and your school to create enriching learning experiences that allow students to thrive.

To chat, get in touch with your local account manager.

BYOD your way


How to deliver a tailored BYOD programme

When it comes to BYOD, there is no one size fits all approach for every school. We can help you tailor a bespoke solution for your needs. From a unique landing page, to customised communications – we put it all at your fingertips.


1: Create a bespoke landing page

We can create a unique landing page for your school that filters your product options and streamlines the BYOD process for your whole community. Haven’t set one up yet? No problem. Just fill in this quick form to get started, and we’ll send you a link to share with your school community.

2: Use our BYOD toolkit

Our free BYOD toolkit is designed to help you communicate more effectively with your school. It puts a range of informative resources at your fingertips, in video and other digital formats, so you can easily share the benefits and requirements of your BYOD programme.

3: Take advantage of members-only pricing

Parents in your school community can sign up for our BYOD membership to access education pricing on Apple devices as well as discounts on selected accessories across our BYOD range.

4: Lean on our expertise

We have stores near schools all over the country. So once you’ve shared your BYOD requirements with your community, the expert advice and support they need to make informed decisions is never far away.


Lets make 2024 the easiest and most seamless BYOD year ever! If you have any questions about our unique landing pages, BYOD toolkits or My Noel Leeming BYOD Memberships, please feel free to reach out to your dedicated Account Manager.


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