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Support the team in digital learning with UTB


Fully funded Teacher aide training

Are you looking for a way to upskill your Teacher aides and support staff in technology? The UTB Digital Certified Teacher aide course is designed to help them become confident in using technology to support student learning.

In this course, they will learn how to take the pedagogy they already know and wrap it around the best technology apps or software to achieve targeted outcomes for their students. They will also understand how to leverage technology in the classroom to improve engagement, collaboration, and creativity.


The best part?

The course is entirely funded by the Ministry of Education, meaning your school won’t have to pay anything out of pocket to register and attend. Plus, the process for your school to apply for funding is simple, because UTB (Using Technology Better) is an approved provider.

By upskilling your Teacher aides and support staff, you can ensure that your school is making the most of the latest technology and tools available. And with the course fully funded, there’s no reason not to sign up.

Click here to learn more about the course and to register.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]