Noel Leeming Commercial

the bell

We hope you enjoy this issue and finding out about the many ways we can help your school become a more digitally switched-on place to teach and learn. If you’d like to chat to us about anything in this newsletter, please get in touch.

Stress-free MoE PLD applications with our partners at UTB


The only person you are destined to become
is the person you decide to be.

Ralph ‘Waldo’ Emerson


Sounds good in theory, right? But the reality of facilitating learning and development for a team of motivated teachers is slightly more problematic. The admin associated with funding applications can be off-putting for even the most dedicated school leaders.

Thankfully, our friends at UTB (Using Technology Better) can help you deliver the PLD your teachers and administrators need to build their competence and keep your students powering ahead.


Tech training delivered differently

With a firm focus on relevance, UTB’s MoE-funded training is designed to engage, inspire and empower ALL of your team members. That lightbulb moment educators experience when they realise the full potential of how tech tools can transform learning and increase efficiency and productivity, is what UTB trainers live for.

We know you want your teachers to grow so they can do an even better job of feeding the brilliant young minds of tomorrow, so why not give them the tools they need to succeed?




Meet UTB trainer Bex Rose here. With 20 years’ experience in education under her belt, Bex understands the challenges facing teachers and school leadership every day.


If you would like to be put in touch with UTB for MoE funded PLD, please fill in the form using the button below or contact your local TWGB Account Manager.

Fill in form

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    [email protected]