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Introducing the UGEE drawing tablet


Using the UGEE drawing tablet in the classroom


What is it?

The UGEE drawing tablet is a device that allows students to draw, sketch, and create digital art using a stylus on a pressure-sensitive tablet surface.

How does it work?
It’s a light and portable device that connects to a computer via USB. Teachers can use the interactive pen displays and connect to a computer or laptop to create dynamic and engaging lessons. Students can use it for art projects, note taking, group work and presentations. It also connects easily to other classroom devices including wall mounted displays, laptops, projectors, document cameras and more.


What are the benefits of the UGEE drawing tablet in the classroom?

Increased creativity

Students can express their ideas and creativity in a more natural way compared to traditional methods.

Improved collaboration

Multiple students can work on the same digital canvas, encouraging teamwork and collaboration.

Increased engagement

Students are more likely to be engaged and focused when using the digital drawing tablet.

Improved technical skills

Using the tablet helps students develop technical skills and a deeper understanding of digital tools.

Increased accessibility

Students with disabilities may find it easier to use the digital tablet compared to traditional methods.


The tablet can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional art supplies, saving time and resources.

Environmentally friendly

The use of digital tools can reduce the need for paper, ink, and other physical materials, contributing to a more sustainable environment.


For a more in-depth overview of UGEE and it’s use in the classroom, please click here.

You can also contact your local account manager for more information on the UGEE drawing tablet.


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