Noel Leeming Commercial

 Committed to making sustainable business easy and affordable for everyone.


What is a device image?
An image sets things like pre-loaded apps, the operating system (OS), configurations, safety controls and personalisation for your organisation’s devices. We can set device images in individually or in bulk (up to 40 at a time).

What are the benefits of image device deployment?
It frees up your IT team to focus on their core role, keeping them away from housekeeping tasks and focused on strategic activities

What does image device deployment mean?
• Quick set up, new computers will be delivered up and running, all using the same configuration
• PCs will be standarised according to the device and user profile

How do I decide what to include in my image?
Our team will work with you to create the right image for your organisation. We will walk you through a step-by-step process and provide a range of options.

I already have an Image – can you just deploy it?
Yes, we can either bulk deploy your image or add the image to individual devices.

What happens once the devices have been imaged?
The imaged devices are sent directly to the user from our deployment facility unless you’d like a different arrangement.

What is asset tagging?
We can generate an asset number and place this tag on the device to identify it for tracking, inventory, and accountability. You’ll then have a register of your company’s devices.

What is BIOS asset tagging?
BIOS asset tagging sets an asset tag in the virtual machine BIOS, so if the asset tag is physically removed and the serial number is no longer readable, the BIOS can prove that your company owns the device. 

What ongoing support is available?
The Noel Leeming Tech Support can access updates and additional support from Microsoft, Google and other operating system vendors. 

Is there any after sales support available?
Yes, our Noel Leeming Tech Support helpdesk team is happy to help.

What are the risks of not updating to the latest operating system?
Businesses that don’t migrate to the latest operating system risk losing software functionality, negatively affecting experience, security, efficiency and productivity

What products can you image?
Devices running the Windows operating system.

What is Mobile Device Deployment (MDD)?
An acronym for Mobile Device Deployment, this is a method for monitoring and exercising control over your devices or fleet.

Can you enrol my devices into my Mobile Device Deployment (MDD)?
Yes, simply supply us with your MDD and ID.

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