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Introducing the Sphero indi Robot


The Sphero indi Robot

The collaborative and fun introduction to computer science that engages early learners in STEAM education.
Through colourful puzzles and interactive play-based games, kids get the chance to build mazes and solve problems along the way. They also learn that by working together they can discover new possibilities.

With the Sphero indi Robot kids can:

  • Learn computer science while having fun
  • Design and build their own mazes
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Get an introduction into computational thinking
  • Engage with a small group and grow on their coding and robotics journey

And all without the use of a tablet, smartphone, or computer.

How does it work?

  1. Kids discover how indi reacts to each colour tile
  2. They then build mazes with endless combinations of colour tiles
  3. They problem-solve along the way by navigating the challenging puzzles they build


What comes in the indi Class Pack? (x8 indi)

The pack includes:

  • 8 indi Robots
  • 8 cases for charging, transporting and storing
  • An in-depth Educator Guide Book
  • A set of Beginner’s Programming Challenge Cards
  • A set of durable silicone colour tiles and accessories

– so nobody will get lost along the way.



For more information on the indi Robot, contact your local TWGB account manager.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9


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