Noel Leeming Commercial

the bell

We hope you enjoy this issue and finding out about the many ways we can help your school become a more digitally switched-on place to teach and learn. If you’d like to chat to us about anything in this newsletter, please get in touch.

Get Windows 10 on Autopilot

Hit the ground running with Windows 10 on Autopilot

Windows Autopilot is a cloud based technology that can help you set up and preconfigure devices, getting them ready for action straight out of the box. Autopilot enrols Windows devices to Intune so that you can relax, knowing that if the device is reset it will automatically rejoin the organisation’s Intune accounts as soon as set up is complete. This means that rather than having to be IT support staff in the classroom, your teachers can focus on teaching.

Students power up their devices, connect them to the internet and sign in. Autopilot automatically configures each device from the cloud and gets them ready for the lesson.

There’s no need to worry about whether you’re running the latest version of the OS – Autopilot automatically updates ensuring that all bug fixes and security patches are included for optimised protection.

Because devices can be grouped as a set you know the class is getting all the correct apps and configuration profiles.


Windows Autopilot enables you to:

  • Automatically join devices to Azure Active Directory or Active Directory
  • Auto-enrol devices into MDM services, such as Microsoft Intune
  • Restrict the Administrator account creation 
  • Create and auto-assign devices to configuration groups based on a device’s profile. 
  • Customise your ‘out of the box experience’ with content specific to your school

Need a hand with the set up? Our team can assist you with understanding your school’s needs and set up some time with our specialist partners mb3 Ltd.


Working with our partners at mb3 Limited, we can ensure your devices are classroom ready through the benefits of Windows Autopilot. Contact your local Account Manager for more information.

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