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Links to our Google Extravaganza videos and supplementary material

We had amazing feedback on the event, with nearly 200 attendees completing a post-event survey, which showed that over 93% strongly agreeing with the statement that they found the event to be valuable, and 96% agreeing that the event strengthened their confidence in using Google technology.

Our two fully virtual Google for Education Extravaganzas, had over 1000 registrations from around New Zealand, catering to beginner and advanced users of Google for Education.

We had amazing feedback on the event, with nearly 200 attendees completing a post-event survey, which showed that over 93% strongly agreeing with the statement that they found the event to be valuable, and 96% agreeing that the event strengthened their confidence in using Google technology.

Below we’ve provided links to where you can watch the sessions on YouTube, and access the supplementary materials, so if you were there and need a recap or couldn’t make it to a session, you still can!

A couple of our favourite sessions:

Access all the beginner sessions and the supplemental materials:

Access all the Advanced sessions and the supplemental materials:

If you have any questions or would like to talk about how we can help you incorporate Google into your teaching and learning program, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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